Rattle goes the window, but not shut

http://offsecnewbie.com/2020/12/23/proving-grounds-bratarina-live/?relatedposts=1 When I roll up the drivers rear window it rattles a little and won’t go all the way up. It sounds like the motor works well, but that something could be loose in the door. What’s rattling?

My questions:

What vehicle is it? 1993 Toyota 4Runner (4 door, power windows)

Does the window go all the way up? Not without some help.

Is the window crooked in the track? No.

http://beccajcampbell.com/tag/romantic/ Diagnosis by phone: This is a 50-50. It could be a motor issue, or a mechanical issue. I’m leaning toward the mechanical because of the clunk. This will need some hands on diagnosis to determine the exact issue. We’ll need to pull the door panel to see exactly what is going on.

Check back for the final diagnosis.


Final Diagnosis: Well, I find that I learn something every time I end up working on a vehicle. This time it was another question that I could have asked. It seems as though what I was thinking was going to be a motor issue was in fact a mechanical issue. Before removing the door panel we tried the switch to get a feel for what the motor was doing. Down with the switch, the motor works, but the window wasn’t going down as fast as the motor was moving. The problem so far looks like a mechanical disconnect between the motor and the glass. That could be a couple things, so it’s off with the door panel. Now we can see the channel that the glass sits in is situated at about a 45 degree angle and the glass is not in it. There’s your issue.

Solution: Reposition the glass in the channel and test the window. We found in testing the window operation that the vertical rubber channel was torn and would peel out of the steel channel creating a large amount of resistence. This means that when rolling the window down the resistence would start to pull the window out of the horizontal channel that is connected to the regulator. This means that if we didn’t replace the rubber window channel that the glass rides in vertically the problem would keep coming back.